Your future is in Begonte, a place where you can start your new professional life.

Polígono industrial Begonte Lugo

A strategic geographical location

Begonte offers you the ideal conditions and geographical location for your new enterprising project. With direct connections to the A6 and A8 motorways, you will be 40 minutes by car from A Coruña and Santiago and their airports, very close to the Lugo Coast and only 15 minutes from Lugo and Vilalba, capital of the Terra Chá comarca.

Expanding business
and industrial network

Begonte´s business network spans multiple sectors, including construction, metallurgy, food, storage and distribution, as well as upcoming clean energy generation plants under the Begonte Genera project. If you are thinking about investing in a new future, here you will find interesting business and employment opportunities.

Pobos con mellor situación estratéxica en Galicia
Polígonos industriais Begonte
Conexión A6 e A8 dende Begonte
Rede de fibra óptica no Concello de Begonte

Set up your project in a place with great locations and many advantages.

Begonte currently has more than 2.5 million square meters of industrial land, with the aim of increasing it to 5 million in its 3 industrial areas to facilitate the establishment of new companies.

A project of clean energy generation that represents a decisive step forward enabling your company to eliminate or drastically reduce all its energy costs

Desfruta da natureza en Begonte

Rural roots

Thanks to our mild oceanic climate and our location in the Terra Chá comarca of Lugo, Begonte offers interesting opportunities for both traditional agriculture and farming as well as for new high-value projects like red fruit crops which are already being successfully cultivated on our lands.

Agricultura gandeiría e sector forestal en Begonte Lugo

Tourism The Northern Way

Its beautiful landscape, a natural environment of great biological value that is part of the Terras do Miño Biosphere Reserve and a stage on the Camino Norte de Santiago, make our territory a place of enormous tourist potential.
Explore the many entrepreneurial opportunities that Begonte offers you.

Camiño Norte de Santiago o seu paso por Baamonde
Traballo dende Begonte

Work from home

This is the perfect place to create a great workspace in your own home. You will have access to excellent connectivity through a recently installed fiber optic network and you will also be very close to the main cities of Galicia and their airports.
Working from home, surrounded by nature and tranquility, is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, save on daily transportation costs and enjoy more quality time with your family. It’s all adavantages!

Un lugar para teletraballar benvidos nómadas dixitais

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